Don J. Fessenden

With more than thirty years of educational experience and expertise, Don holds state teaching certifications in psychology, health, business, aerospace science, and educational leadership.

In a snapshot! 

* College Department Chair
* Public School Department Chair
* School Governance Member / Elected
* High School Safety Committee Member

Teacher (State Certified)

* Intermediate Administration and Supervision (092)
* Business
* Psychology
* Health
* Aerospace Science




Service Before Self the Autobiography of Master Sergeant Don J. Fessenden

The Adventures of Monkey the Talking Cat the Journey Begins

Leadership Essentials Uncovered (


* 6th Year Teacher Specialist
* 6th Year Educational Leadership/ Special Education
* Master of Business / Human Resources
* Bachelor of Science Social Psychology
* Associate of Science Instructional Specialist
* Associate of Science Allied Health

Service Before Self

The autobiography of Master Sergeant Don J. Fessenden (U.S. Air Force, Retired.) If you want to learn more about our host, get your copy and learn all you need to know about our host.

It's an easy read, broken up into over 120 short stories.  

Order the Book

Leadership Essentials Uncovered

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and society, the essence of leadership remains a timeless pursuit. It is a journey marked not only by individual achievement but by the profound impact one leaves on the path forward. As we stand at the precipice of tomorrow, it is imperative to reflect on the legacy we aim to leave behind—a legacy of leadership that inspires, empowers, and shapes the leaders of the future.

This book is not merely a roadmap; it is a call to action—a call to cultivate the seeds of leadership excellence within ourselves and those we have the privilege to influence. Fessenden challenges us to embrace the responsibility of shaping tomorrow's leaders today, recognizing that our actions today ripple through generations to come.